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system of writing中文是什么意思

用"system of writing"造句"system of writing"怎么读"system of writing" in a sentence


  • 文字体系


  • The ancient egyptians developed their own systems of writing .
  • So successful were the missionaries , the first mongolian system of writing used the assyrian alphabet
  • 1809 louis braille , french inventor of the raised - dot system of writing used by the blind , was born near paris
  • The alphabetical system of writing is a linear set of symbols , and the chinese system of writing is a picture - and - idea system
  • In his study of the record examples in all dynasties , xue shansheng summed up the form of writing and a series of terms , and set up a relatively complete system of writing records
  • Part one : analyzes the necessity and feasibility of building the new structural system of writing teaching from the background of times and the theoretic basis . it stresses on the importance of the optimum structure in writing teaching
用"system of writing"造句  
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